Sunday, 31 May 2009

Bye Bye kindergarten Fasori Kicsinyek


All of our beginners of school will get a little book

with photos and our best wishes.

The beginners of school are learning poems and

songs the the festivity.

Friday, 29 May 2009

The Garden

These are the flowers we have made. We are selling these flowers to get money. We are going to buy soil and seeds with it. We will plant the seeds, then go for a picnic.

Friday, 15 May 2009

The Wormery

This week, we went outside to look at the wormery. We went in little groups. Alan, our janitor, showed us the worms.

We found out.......

  • Worms can make compost with teabags!

  • Worms don't like orange peel!

  • Worms can't see.

  • You can use compost to grow plants.

Friday, 8 May 2009


Hello to our friends in Hungary!

This week we have Eco-Week at our school. We are learning about ways to look after our planet.

Today we came to school dressed in green clothes! We had a puzzle hunt. We worked with our friends to find jigsaw pieces then put them together to make a picture. We had lots of fun!

Friday, 24 April 2009

This was at the time of an Easter at us

Their son Hungarian according to custon they water

the girls a cologne, let them not fade.

Earth Day on April 22

3. dia
The parents a flower the children
bring and they are planting in garden
of the school.

School Garden


We have just come back to school after the holidays. We were on holiday because it was Easter time. Have you had an Easter holiday too? Did you get any Easter Eggs?

This term, we will be learning about the garden in our school. Eliza brought in a giant fir cone. It was big and pointy! Eliza's daddy found it in America.

Friday, 27 March 2009

On Thursday, a lamb came to school. We have seen lots of lambs in the fields around Gifford. Lambs are born in the spring time. The lamb was cute and cuddly! It had long ears!

Saturday, 21 March 2009

World Water Day 2009.

We prepared an aquarium from paper,

on the occasion of the international day of the water.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Hard work in Primary 1

Thank you for your posts we enjoyed watching them. We have been working hard in gym this week and have been learing different ways to throw. We enjoyed playing a game called Clear the Playground which was great fun. What exercise do you do in school?

We look forward to hearing from you

Sunday, 15 March 2009

The three butterflies

We prepared a tale-book. Do you know this tale?

Friday, 13 March 2009

A song onto the holiday.

March the 15. is our National Day.

Hi children!

The red nose day is interesting for us. We do not know it.

We send games and books into an other country.

The holiday is about the 1848 wars of independence.

The children understand the essence of the holiday difficultly

The boys prepare a hussar shako and

the girls a Hungarian coronet.

We paint a Hungarian flag and we march with songs.

Red Nose Day

Today it is Red Nose Day! We brought in some money and dressed up in something red. The money will go to help other children in poorer countries. We bought some red cakes which were on sale in the school. They were delicious! We had lots of fun today.

Friday, 6 March 2009

We are learning about Spring too!

Today, we went outside for a walk. We were looking for signs of spring. We found crocuses, tulips, daffodils and primulas. We drew pictures and took some photographs.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Visit in Transport Museum

One of Europe’s oldest transport history collections.

Its model railway material is world famous.

We have fun and we acquire knowledge.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Our Sport

We skate in Winter (from November- until March)

We go to swimming pool two times weekly.

Friday, 27 February 2009


Thank you for your video boys and girls - it was fantastic!
We did judo this morning. It was fun!
We did some crawling and we pulled our friends along the mat. We had to wear judo jackets.
We have a Judo Club in school every Friday. Some of the children in Primary 1 want to go to the Judo Club.
Do you have any clubs at your school?

Good bye Haikal!

We say goodbye from Haikal, who leaves for his homeland.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Our Learning Board

We are learning about Gifford, the village where we all go to school. This week we went for a walk around Gifford. We drew pictures and took potographs of the main places in the village.

When we got back to school, we painted some pictures. We have put all our work on the wall for everyone to see.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Hello from Primary1

Boys and girls, thank you for your pictures of the bears at the zoo. We thought they were fantastic! You must have had a great time at the zoo.

This week it has been snowing and we had to go home early on Monday. When we got home, some children made snowmen, had snowball fights and made igloos. It was great fun!

On Monday, it was our turn to tell the other classes in the school about the things we have been learning. We told them about our letters and our special project.

Next week is a school holiday. We will write again when we get back to school and let you know about all the things we have been doing.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Hallo from Hungary!

We are like that,than a big family.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009


These are our favourite baby toys. We brought them into class and told our friends all about them.

Sunday, 18 January 2009


Yester Primary school's primary 1 class and the 5 and 6 year olds at Fasori Kicsinyek Óvodája kindergarten in Budapest, in Hungary plan to share some pictures about what they do in class, as well as showing some of their favourite toys to each other!